王怡婷,现就读于美国马塞住萨州和丽山大学, 主要学习和研究环境科学与国际关系相结合大背景下的可持续性发展议题。我对于各种形式的可再生能源(特别是太阳能)在农村、城市的发展与应用特别感兴趣,也分别做过针对美国、印度和中国市场的实例分析。作为保护地球完整性可持续性的重要前提,我坚信并且努力发现万事万物间不为人所知的精妙关系,追寻并建立各文化、种族和国家界限间的共同之处。
I am a Junior at Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, U.S., studying sustainable development combining environmental science and international relations. I am interested in various forms of renewable energies (especially solar) and its implementations in both rural and urban settings;I've done case studies of the solar markets in the U.S., India and China. I am intrigued by the interconnectedness of our world and dedicated in finding/creating common grounds across cultural, ethical and national boundaries in achieving planetary integrity and sustainability. Every single dot on earth matters.