熊琳琅,在成都求学的重庆人。 生长在长江边,从小与山为伴,对自然有着与生俱来的热爱。接触气候变化这个话题四年来,无论是详实的理论数据还是身边环境愈加频繁的变化,都让我感到应对气候变化对于当代青年已经是刻不容缓的责任,对于我所生活的生态脆弱的中国西部,更加别无选择。希望自己能坚守这份激情,用高温的行动,换取清凉的世界。
I’m from Chongqing and now studying in Chengdu. Accompanied by the Yangtz River and mountains, I became intimate friend with nature at very young age. Since I first stepped in to the field of climate change four years ago, both the convincing data and frequently changing environment make me feel that it’s obligated for young people to tackle the issue of climate change, especially in western China where the ecosystem is much weaker. I hope that I can hold this passion tight: HEAT UP TO COOL DOWN!